Saturday, July 24, 2010

In Exeter!

We are now staying in the empty dorm rooms the University of Exeter. We're only going to be staying here for two nights, but it's nice to be able to sleep in! I will definitely miss the farm we've just left. But, this entire trip is going to be a whole lot of meeting new people and growing attached to an area, and then leaving. I've only met one person that's closer to my age, and she was sixteen. She was really nice and we hung out with everyone when she came to visit the farm. We were at the farm for the entire day time hours, and then we would go out to eat or pick up some groceries in the village. I would see kids that looked my age, but I never talked to them or was introduced to one. Hopefully I'll meet more people my age that I can talk to even after I leave that area.

It's really awkward when we are traveling form place to place with all our luggage. That's when I feel most out of place because we as tourist are so obvious. I think I'm going to go through my bag and send back some things... but I'll let you know how that goes haha.


Deborah Hughes said...

It's interesting how a trip like this reveals how very little we need to survive. This will be a nice break for you. Rest well dear Granddaughter! Have a happy day, love you!